The starting point involves decreasing the inflammation (swelling) in the area. This can take anywhere from several days to several weeks depending on the severity and longstanding nature of the injury.
Treatments include soft tissue treatments, coupled with low intensity laser therapy, and ice compression to decrease the inflammation.
This involves increasing the range of motion of the tissues and joints involved, increasing the pliability of the muscles and decreasing fascial tension.
Treatments include soft tissue techniques including Active Release, Fascial Manipulation, and Graston to break down adhesions, increase blood flow, restore normal tissue tone. Adding electrical stimulation and rehabilitation exercises at this point to help improve tissue resilience.
Think of this in terms of gardening. You see that there is a weed in your garden, and you can either pull the top off, only to have another one sprout up in a week or so. Or, you can dig out the root, and the weed won’t come back. We’re digging out the root here
This involves maintaining the level of correction that was made, aimed at keeping you functionally pain free and moving through full ranges of motion.
Think of this phase as if you were writing on a chalkboard, and how you would run out of room on the chalkboard if you didn’t erase the chalk periodically. That’s how tension builds up in the muscles, and Lifestyle Care is the removal of the tension so that you can keep going.