The Low Back is one of the MOST injured areas of the body. Are you that person that was simply brushing their teeth, buttering their toast, or maybe bending over to pick up your child, and immediately fell to the ground and could not get up? If so, you were probably brewing that back spasm for a long time, and didn’t know it! The low back is the whipping boy to the hips and mid back. If either become stiff (think I SIT ALOT!!) then the low back takes over as the movement generator, meaning that when you bend over, instead of pivoting at your hip joint, you pivot in your low back. Like a piece of tin, when you bend it over and over, the low back begins to fatigue, and eventually that fatigue leads to full on collapse of the muscular structure, leading to back spasms. If this sounds like you, continue below to find help…
Tight Hip Flexors? Chronic sore Low Back? Finding it harder and harder to touch your toes? You may (likely) have Lower Cross Syndrome (or Crossed Pelvic Syndrome). We talk about this and show corrective exercises videos you can do at home in BACK SCHOOL HERE.