
Why is it important to have good hip extension when running?

Why is it important to have good hip extension when running? There are many answers to this question, so we will take a close look at each of them in turn.  During a normal running gait, the foot must dorsiflex (toes up towards the shin), and then the knee flexes (heel up towards the bum) so…

How to get faster at running…Things you can do to increase speed.

How to get faster at running…Things you can do to increase speed. If you wonder how to get faster at running, it can seem like the only thing you can do is to run more often. However, for most people, this is not an option with how hectic their daily schedule is. Thankfully, more running is…

The Common Injuries of Running

The Common Injuries of Running   Of course running can result in injury.  If you have done any running for any length of time, you have probably come up against this certainty.  The most common sites of injury in runners in descending order:  The Knee The Ankle / Foot The Lower Leg (Shins) Hip /…